Being Gritty is a magical way of living life. We all possess GRIT; Perseverance combined with passion, a powerful motivation to achieve a goal. GRIT is not defined by intelligence but by the ability to thrive. Gritty people believe everything will be alright in the end, and if it’s not alright, it’s not the end.

A Gritty Conscious perceives reality more as it is; A magical existence in which you were designed to thrive and become whole. An experience in which your soul is endlessly expanding and growing.

A Gritty Conscious

perceives reality more as it is; A magical existence in which you were designed to thrive and become whole. An experience in which your soul is endlessly expanding and growing.

Rather than wishing to punish and judge ourselves through negative self-talk, a self-compassionate view towards ourselves creates space for growth and happiness contributing greatly to our level of motivation. This is because Instead of asking ourselves ‘am I good enough’ self-compassion asks, ‘what’s good for me’.

One way to effectively cultivate a friendly and caring relationship with the self is by increasing awareness of the inner critic.

I'm not sure about you, but when I experience a high level of self-criticism, I'm not feeling very energized. People who are more self-compassionate show more internal reasons for motivation.

The practice of Mindfulness takes us on a journey of self-discovery, self-appreciation, reflection and realization.

Reiki energy healing enhances the quality of life by promoting relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety, as well as treating depression and fatigue. This practice also boosts mood, and relieves chronic pain. These are just some benefits you’ll experience after 4-6 sessions.

Learn to get gritty and conscious with me!

What I Offer

The Power of Mindfulness Certification Program

This training program is designed to awaken you and help you become more mindful. The goal was to create life changing content that’ll help individuals recognize and utilize their character strengths and virtues, instill self- awareness and a healthy relationship with the self. 

Reiki Energy Healing

Reiki is a powerful method for clearing what is in the way of our light and brilliance. The Master's attunement activates the highest level of Reiki, transcending Universal energy that initiates a sacred opening for healing and transformation and an invitation to receive support from higher realms.