Have You Heard of Reiki ?

Perhaps you've heard the term "reiki" but aren't sure what it means. Perhaps you have heard about reiki and are curious about whether or not it would benefit you. Or perhaps your medical practitioner has recommended reiki as an additional therapeutic option.

Just what is Reiki?

Reiki is a form of energy healing that makes use of the power of touch to alleviate tension and anxiety. In Reiki, the practitioner channels healing energy into the cleansing and restoring their energetic body.

The Japanese words rei, meaning "universal," and ki, meaning "vital life force energy" that flows through all living things, inspired Mikao Usui to develop reiki in the early 1900s. These days, reiki is employed as an adjunct to conventional medical care in hospitals and hospices around the globe.

Reiki's positive effects on your body

In order to enhance one's health and well-being, Reiki is practiced to promote relaxation, stress reduction, and symptom treatment. It can:

Induce a meditative trance.

Facilitate the recovery of injured or surgically-removed tissues and bones.

Awaken your immune system's defenses.

Encourage the body's innate capacity to mend itself.

Reduce discomfort and stress.

Help those through conventional medical procedures like chemo, radiation, surgery, or dialysis.

Reiki isn’t specific to any particular type of disease or condition but may help people with:




Digestive problems

Parkison’s disease

Psychological distress, including depression and anxiety

Stress related illnesses

Curious about how Reiki helps ?

Reiki masters facilitate connection between you and the Universal life force. Through the practitioner's hands, the energy is transmitted to you.

Intuitively, our bodies take only as much healing energy as needed from the practitioner’s hands. This reassures the patient that we are providing care based on their specific requirements rather than our own assumptions about those need. This strikes the ideal chord to accommodate the needs of the patient.

Just how can one experience Reiki? 

Feelings of heat, tingling, or pulsating may arise at the site where the Reiki practitioner has placed their hands. Some people report a tingling or buzzing all over their bodies, while others report feeling nothing at all. Many people report feeling so at peace and relaxed that they fall asleep during their session.

If you’re curious about Reiki you can schedule a session or a free consultation here.


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