Finally. A Science-Based Mindfulness Training That Changes Lives in 8 Weeks.

Discover How Mindfulness Can Drastically Make Positive Shifts in Your Physical and Mental Health.

The Power of Mindfulness

8 - week mindfulness certification program

The Power of Mindfulness is divided into a total of 8 weekly sessions with challenging topics centered around character strengths and behaviors that enable individuals to build a life of meaning and purpose in order to move beyond surviving to flourishing. If you’re in the helping field this program can help advance your interpersonal and communication skills. The lessons are sure to provide inner peace and mental clarity.

The mindfulness component of the program, which constitutes at least 90% of the course is aimed at learning to use mindfulness so as to increase well-being and become more resilient.

This course explores how we can use mindfulness to disengage from ‘over thinking’, break automatism and instead learn to ‘tap into’ our natural inner stability and resourcefulness, so that we can manage life’s challenges more easily and also be more appreciative and aware of positive life experiences.

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Who This Program Is For

This program is perfect for you if:

  • You’re currently working towards licensure in mental health counseling or social work fields. Upon completion you’ll receive a certificate indicating 100 hours of professional development.

  • You’re curious about mindfulness and want to commit to developing a practice.

  • You’ve tried meditation and mindfulness before, and it didn’t work out.

  • You want to know the nuts and bolts behind the practice and approach it in a science-based way.

  • You experience anxiety, stress, or trouble sleeping.

  • You want to live more mindfully and feel more alive and present.

In This Training You Will Benefit From:

  • One deep-dive into specific elements of mindfulness per session

  •  Information and practice integrated with research and evidence

  •  Small, informal practices that help weave mindfulness into your daily routine

  •  An examination of Mindfulness in the broader context of life and how we perceive things

  •  Understanding the foundation of psychological processes that mindfulness rests upon

  •  A community of fellow participants

  •  The ability to ask me anything

A Mindfulness Certification Program

Research has shown that people who are more mindful are generally happy and report less anxiety, symptoms of depression, anger, and worries. A higher degree of mindfulness is also associated with reduced stress and increased gratitude, hope, and vitality.

So if practicing mindfulness holds such powerful potential for our well-being, why aren’t we all doing it every day?

The reason is often that we need more guidance and support than simply downloading an app. We need to better understand the underlying processes and research behind mindfulness.

My new program the power of mindfulness is designed to walk you through everything you need to fully understand mindfulness and experience the profound effects it can have in your life.

What’s included.

How it works.

Schedule and How to Join

Sessions are pre-recorded. Each week you will have access to a new lesson. Recordings will be available until the end of the 8 weeks should you miss a session.

There will be no tests associated with the lessons.


How long does this training take to complete?

This is an eight week program. You can always complete the program before the eight weeks.

What is the format of this program?

The Power Of Mindfulness is a digital pre-recorded training.

How much time do I need to complete each session? What would that look like?

This training requires a few hours throughout the week. It’s most effective if you dedicate a few hours just one day a week to finish each session.

I have tried mindfulness before and I’m not very good at it. How do I know that this program will be different?

At its core, mindfulness is about starting over again and again. Even if you feel like you’re not making progress, if you have patience and try to practice regularly to the best of your ability, your efforts will pay off.

In this program, we’ll approach mindfulness in a way that addresses all the common stumbling blocks and you’ll be free to share your specific concerns so we can troubleshoot them together.

Are the resources in The Power Of Mindfulness based on scientific evidence?

Yes. Over 7,000 peer-reviewed research studies have validated the benefits of mindfulness, and I have made sure that everything in this program is underpinned by vigorous science and references.

What is the cost?

The entire program including all materials and certification is priced at $200.00 US dollars.

I don’t have a payment method listed on your website, are there alternatives?

Please contact me at and we can discuss the options.

 I have another question! Can I reach out?

Of course! Please feel free to email and we can chat.