How To Be Authentic

Jean-Paul Sartre, an existentialist philosopher, believed that being oneself was essential to both personal freedom and finding fulfillment in one's existence (Ang, 2019).

To live life to the fullest, we must accept the truth of our independence and take personal responsibility for our actions.

Authenticity, according to psychological theory (Joseph, 2019), involves more than just making an effort to be one's true self.

However, maintaining a sense of individuality and flourishing amidst the many hats we wear can be difficult.

How Do You Define an Honest Way of Life?

The degree to which we believe in our own sincerity is a cornerstone of our identities. It has far-reaching effects on our thinking and actions, affecting every area of our lives (Newman, 2018), including the joy we take from our experiences.

Originals are more highly valued than copies, a lesson taught to children as young as two years old (Newman, 2018). Authenticity is a major factor in how much we value pricey and commonplace items like designer watches, artisanal coffee, and cracked mugs as we become older.

Understanding what it is to be genuine is essential to developing the ability to live an authentic life.

One of the most important aspects of who we are is the degree to which we are authentic. It has far-reaching impacts on both our thoughts and actions, and it affects all aspect of our existence, including the pleasure we derive from the things we experience.

The ability to live an authentic life begins with the foundational step of gaining an understanding of what it is to be real.

An authentic person lives “moment by moment, striving to understand themselves, their motivation, defenses, and conditions of worth, while being aware of their responsibilities and choices” (Joseph, 2019).

According to the theory of self-presentation, every single person, to varying degrees, actively organizes information about themselves for the objective of creating a favorable first impression.

According to research carried out by Hart et al. in 2020, "self-proclaimed authentic people, when pressed, will manipulate their behavior to appear authentic" (Hart et al., 2020). Being genuine has apparent intrinsic value and can enrich our lives, but we may also seek social approval by creating an image of sincerity in order to bolster our own sense of self-worth.

Realizing one's full potential and leading an authentic life are both processes, not destinations, on which one can embark. To live a life that is genuine, one must follow the course of action that is most congruent with their essential self.

Why is Authenticity Important ?

Seeking authenticity, excellence, and personal improvement are all part of a eudaimonic attitude that aims to help us realize our full potentials, find meaning in our lives, and experience profound delight or happiness.

How Do We Do It ?

Instead of letting yourself get drowned out by the opinions of others, focus on hearing your own. Keep an open dialogue with your aspirations, anxieties, and doubts. Understanding the workings of the Ego and practicing acceptance are great ways to develop a higher level of authenticity.

Learning about your strengths, your weaknesses, and what you're willing to do. Recognizing and accepting your true nature. Truth may hurt, but it has the power to set you free.

Embrace your uniqueness and your honest opinions. Avoid being swayed by the opinions of those around you but be willing to abandon ideas that have been disproven or no longer serve you. Learn to live with your decisions.


Be Yourself


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