Welcoming Fear

Everyone experiences self-doubt. These uncertainties often have little to do with our actual abilities but nonetheless cause us great distress.

The goal is for you to become comfortable with fear rather than fearful of life. It's impossible to live without fear or anxiety. It's about learning to manage your emotions by analyzing how realistic your thoughts are. This can help you take action despite your anxious thoughts and sensations, which is the key to overcoming your fears and worries. With practice you'll go from managing to mastering your emotions.

How Do We Do It ?

There’s a difference between living in fear vs. living with fear.

To overcome your fears, you must first develop several mindful components like acceptance (of our emotions), self-compassion (being graceful with yourself), self-awareness by understanding automaticity (our automatic thought and behavioral patterns) and other components like understanding the workings of the Ego.  

This self-paced Mindfulness building virtual program can help you do just that!

If fear paralyzes you and holds you back from living your best life and becoming the best version of yourself, I encourage you to begin by becoming aware of your inner critic, that inner voice that commands and sends negative messages. Rather than a self-compassionate attitude, many people suffer from a non-accepting and self-critical relationship with the self. The nature of this relationship is perhaps most clearly reflected by the internal voice that criticizes the self.

There are three types of inner messages that the inner critic engages in:

Imperative “you should”

Disapproving thoughts, feelings and behaviors

Negative thoughts

This is why developing self-compassion is essential to overcoming fear. The Power of Mindfulness addresses all the mindfulness components mentioned above and will provide guidance on how to incorporate the teachings into your daily life.


You Are Worthy