You Are Worthy

Have you ever tried to show someone kindness, love, and appreciation and as a result they blushed, seem bewildered, or even become mildly annoyed at your efforts? Or perhaps you've been on the receiving end and struggled to find the right words to express your appreciation and gratitude. One of the key aspects of learning to receive the riches that the Universe offers for us is revealed by this commonplace example of the challenges that can occur when we are handed a gift. You have to believe you deserve good things before you can attract them to yourself through the law of attraction and the process of co-creating your life.

Manifestation is the process of harnessing the energy of your inner world to improve your connection to the world around you. Even if you constantly tell yourself that the same force that brought everything into the physical world also brought you here, your lack of self-worth will prevent the manifestation of your desires. Keep in mind that you deserve good fortune. Your inner existence includes a sense of deservingness for any and all benefits and desires. The beliefs of people who are confident in their own worthiness to receive God's blessings are:

The source of my confidence is within me (not based on external factors).

I love and accept myself unconditionally.

What my life is and isn't is entirely my own doing (no one is to blame).

I refuse to let guilt rule my existence (I try to stay in the here and now).

I've learned the value of consistency in how I feel, think, and act.

Your true self wants nothing more than to be at ease. When you're at peace with yourself and the world around you, you automatically attract those positive energies and more.


Welcoming Fear


Your Reality Without Judgement