Your Reality Without Judgement  

When you're under pressure, your 'classic' negative thoughts and feelings from the past combine with the current situation to create a toxic cocktail of stress.

Your mind uses this cocktail as a shield. Your mind has been trained to protect you from danger and uncertainty for a long time, but that is not who you really are.

Your spirit will live forever. Nothing can ever destroy the brightness of your inner light. Your finite mind cannot grasp the fact that you are an everlasting and infinite existence.

When doubt creeps in, keep in mind that you are a spiritual being who inhabits a body and a mind.

But we don't really feel that way most of the time, do we?

The vast majority of our time is spent attempting to limit our minuscule nature by trying to foresee and control every possible outcome.

You are denying yourself the richness of who you are and all that life has to offer when you obsess over perfection in all you do and strive to keep your emotions under check.

The concept of "Perfect" seems arbitrary. Isn't it merely achieving perfection in your understanding of how life works?

There's no reason to confine yourself to what you've already experienced. Is there really no hope that something fantastic and thrilling awaits you beyond this point? What about the information you now lack? What about the parts of yourself that you have yet to explore?

When viewed in this light, uncertainty appears to be the ideal growth catalyst, forcing one to break free of preconceived notions and conditioned thought in order to discover who they truly are.

How do you usually react when something new and unknown appears in your life? Do you think that these reactions are good for you? Or not?

Your mind is constantly trying to find the path of least resistance, and when you are falling into the same automatic and often stressful predictions and evaluations, you are generating more of the same.

Your mind signals your body to prepare for a stressful situation, and it does so very thoroughly, by running all the bad scripts and worst-case scenarios as vividly as possible, based on past experiences.

And the same is also true for new things that you know will be positive. Like when someone throws a birthday party for you, or your spouse asks you to clear your schedule for a surprise weekend, or when you know that you are going to get a promotion or a bonus at work. 

By trying to predict and process these future events you are depriving yourself of possibilities.  

If you feel so horrible, ask yourself why your brain is doing that. This pain is a regular part of your life, whether you realize it or not.

It could have been established at an early age in response to a traumatic experience, or it could have been acquired from your parents or siblings.

When you've been accustomed to feeling pain, it can be difficult to overcome it. When you keep engaging in the same destructive habits, you are strengthening them.

You didn't deliberately become this way; rather, your body and mind have been following these habits for so long that they are now deeply ingrained.

The state of uncertainty is a portal to a different reality

When you are genuinely connected to yourself when confronting something new without any preconceived notions, you allow yourself to grow.

You have the freedom to make a decision that is not the result of your usual ways of thinking or your past experiences. Something that reveals your infinite, authentic essence.

You will learn more about yourself if you allow yourself to try new things.

Is it possible for you to think of an alternative? Do you think you can give yourself permission to try something different? How, therefore, can having a fresh experience affect one's outlook on life?

Can you break free of your past failures and mistakes to give yourself a fresh start?

It's only natural that you would first continue using the same scripts and patterns that you've been using for so long. However, as long as you keep moving forward, even if it's just a little bit at a time, momentum will take care of the rest.

Uncertainty might be the growth opportunity you've been seeking, if you're willing to let go of your need to control and forecast it. 


You Are Worthy


Be Yourself