Mindfulness for Beginners

What is mindfulness, and how might it help those who suffer from anxiety?
In the state of mindfulness, there is no doing, only being. Mindfulness is the act of focusing one's awareness intently on the present moment. Attention to one's immediate surroundings, feelings, thoughts, and possible next actions constitutes mindfulness.
In theory, anxiety helps keep us alive by alerting us to potential threats. However, for many of us, anxiety is a constant state that stays with us even when we're safe. The "should have done" or & "could have done" questions can keep popping into your mind if you're worrying too much. Another symptom is fixating on negative outcomes and things outside of your control. In essence, anxiety prevents one from appreciating the present moment.
If you've never meditated before, it's best to start with shorter sessions and work up to longer ones. It is important to keep in mind that it is normal for your mind to wander during meditation, and that the goal is to return your focus to the present moment without judging yourself.
Looking for more mindful ways to deal with your anxiety? Get in touch with me for a free 15-minute initial session.

Reiki for Anxiety
