Reiki for Anxiety

Dr. Oz introduced Reiki to millions of his viewers a few years ago. He stated Reiki was the best integrative therapy to try out. If you’ve never heard of it, here’s a quick summary. Reiki, which translates to “transcendent life force” or “spiritual energy” is a hands-on healing method that originated in Japan. By assisting your body in finding balance, Reiki improves wellness and empowers you to actively manage your health.

One of the main reasons customers come to me for Reiki is, undoubtedly, anxiety. People who experience anxiety are sensitive to and aware of energy and that’s one of the reasons I enjoy working with them. Clients who experience high levels of anxiety are frequently much easier to help than my clients who are less in touch with their body.

What can you hope to get out of a Reiki session?

I take some time during a Reiki treatment to ask clients how the session can best benefit them. Although I see a lot of clients for anxiety, each person experiences it differently; as a result, a key component of treatment is to better understand the client’s triggers and troublesome body parts. Following our conversation, clients lie on a massage table (fully dressed), and I place my hands in a variety of positions on or above them, functioning as a channel for the Reiki (or Ki) to travel through, cleaning and boosting the energy throughout the body.

How does Distant Reiki work?

Distant Reiki sessions work because energy is not limited by distance. Reiki teaches us that we are more than our physical bodies. Reiki energy connects on our spiritual and energetic level. Distance is only a physical limitation, so sessions can be done without clients being physically present.

We are all connected, as we are all energy matter and part of an infinite energy grid which the practitioner is deeply connected to during a session. The Master's attunement activates the highest level of Reiki, transcending Universal energy that initiates a sacred opening for healing and transformation and an invitation to receive support from higher realms.

Although reactions to Reiki vary from person to person and session to session, frequent reactions include a profound sense of serenity and relaxation. Clients occasionally experience warmth, tingling, or see images and colors.  During a Reiki session, the body switches from sympathetic (fight-or-flight) to parasympathetic (rest and digest) mode.   
The relaxation response, also known as parasympathetic mode, is the state that your body needs to establish in order to heal. Reiki kick-starts your body’s natural ability to heal itself, helping the body release long-held tensions, facilitate detoxification, and stabilize mental and emotional states. 
You can also positively change your attention during the Reiki session. When we are anxious, we tend to overthink. The act of letting go and narrowing attention is comparable to releasing a long-tensed fist. In fact, during a Reiki session, the tension, emotions, and ongoing worry that we keep in our muscles are released. 

I advise clients to keep an eye out for any changes that may occur in their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual states. Physical changes may include feeling more composed under pressure or being more focused. After a session, the mind and body rebalance over the following few days or weeks.

Discomfort the next day or for a few days after a session is also beneficial because it may indicate that your body is beginning to restore and cleanse itself. Setting aside time in your life for a session to relax and let go in this way allows you to recover from the accumulated physiological and psychological stresses of daily living.

Reiki can give you the balance you need to put the anxiety in perspective, and thereby let it go. Many clients report that meditating is difficult because their minds remain active; they say that Reiki is an easier way for them to get into this meditative mindset, allowing the thoughts to slow and relax, along with the body. 
We have a natural ability to heal with our hands; just consider how much better you typically feel after a hug. Your intrinsic capacity can be expanded with the help of the foundation you learn in Reiki classes. You’ll be able to give yourself a mini Reiki session every day after learning some fundamental skills in a Reiki I class, which will aid in your own healing. Those who endure anxiety will particularly benefit from this. 
Reiki is simpler to comprehend when practiced than when read about. Therefore, it’s worth finding out whether it could help reduce your anxiety- either by getting a session or finding a Reiki class offered in your area- if you’re looking to try non-pharmaceutical therapy options or supplement an existing treatment plan, schedule a session and let’s get started on your healing journey. 
For a free 15 minute session, click on this link.

Reiki for Seniors


Mindfulness for Beginners